Are you going to sell my name or telephone to marketing companies?
Absolutely NOT. We NEVER
release any information about our customers to any person or any
company or 3rd party. Your identity is protected by us. Additionally, we do
not do any telemarketing or mailing through the post office with our
customer list. Therefore, you are not going to get bombarded with phone
calls or mailings. We respect your privacy and confidentiality.How do I submit a photo or additional photos?
Login to, and click on Add or Change Display Photo from Account Overview Page or Profile Page. Choose the Type of content "Photo", then click on the "Browse" button in order to find your image on your disk/computer/Laptop etc. The select if you want the photo as your default image or not. Lastly give the photo a title and description for other members to read. Then, click on "Save" and the process is done. If the image is approved it will appear on your profile within 24 hours.
How do I upload a Video?
What kind of Photos or Videos can I post?
You can post anything related to your interest in this community with the following exceptions and strict stipulations:
1) You MUST be the focus of any photo or video submitted.
2) You MUST have the consent of anyone else who might appear in your photo or video to be able to post them on the site.
3) No commercial photos or videos are allowed on the site.
4) No promotion, depiction or conduct of illegal activity is allowed in any photo or video you post.
5) No scat, beastiality, rape, forced unconsented acts, obscene, objectional photos or videos of any kind are allowed or permitted.
6) reserves the right to refuse any content we deem unacceptable.
Note: Videos are only available for viewing by Premium Members of the Site.
Help us maintain good community standards and Report Any Objectional Content that you believe in good faith needs removing.What is the difference in entering as a guest and entering as a member?
Our site works on a membership system as we must be able to keep data files that contain your profile information and other information such as your Hotlist. Guests are Free to browse the profiles of members, but in order to respond to ads using our emailing services you must be registered with a valid e-mail address. You must also be a member in order to create a Hotlist and use chat room and e-mail service, as well as other services.Are profiles censored? Is there any limit to what I can put in my profile?
Yes. All member profiles are moderated, both when they are originally created as well as when they are modified, all profiles must be approved by our webmasters. We reserve the right to refuse any profile or photograph that we feel is inappropriate for this site. Also, we ask that you do not put any personal information in your profile, including, but not limited to: your home address, a personal beeper, cell or telephone number, a real e-mail address or personal web address. All members must adhere to our terms and conditions of service.
How do I change my personal information?
Changing personal information is extremely easy. If you would like to update the information about yourself that you submitted during registration, write a new heading and description for your profile as well as editing main criteria for your matches just go to the Update your profile option on My Settings page. There you can edit any part of your personal information; save it by clicking Submit button.How do I send an e-mail to members?
You can send e-mail to users by clicking the button Send a message or Send a card on that persons profile or listing. Simply type in your message or select a card you wish to send and click the Send button.What is the Block List feature?
While viewing members profiles or reading or replying messages in your Mailbox you will have an option to add members to Block List. After you have added someone to your Block List you will not receive any notifications, cards or e-mails from this particular member unless you remove him or her from the Block List. This feature helps you limit your contacts with people you dont really like.Are members on this site screened?
Yes - For the safety and security of our members we screen all ads. A valid e-mail address is required in order to become a member of this site - you will not be able to activate your account without one. All our services are confidential and your privacy is as much of a concern for us as it is for our members. However, we cannot do extensive background checks on members, and we expect you to understand that we cannot take responsibility for any damage caused to you by use of this site. Please use common sense and be careful about giving out personal information to people you meet.